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Sharon Selby’s ONLINE “Self-Empowerment” Group, Ages 7-10

Details Price Qty
ONLINE Ages 7-10show details + $514.50 CAD   Expired
  • Sharon's Online Self-Empowerment Group Ages 7-10 yrs.
     March 5, 2025 - April 16, 2025
     3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Empower Your Child!

7 Week Online Course to Teach Self-Empowerment Skills

Dates: March 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th, April 2nd, 9th and 16th.

Price: $514.50 

Sharon’s group teaches children ages 7-10 yrs important life-skills of Self-Empowerment. In a fun and interactive online group, your child will participate in activities, games, and stories to learn about assertiveness skills, boundaries, bully proofing/friendship “drama”, choosing optimism vs. pessimism, self-regulation, and gratitude . This group will run for seven sessions, and all seven sessions will take place online. The 45 minutes of the session will be for your child and the last 15 minutes will be for parents to hear a summary of the session, and ask questions.


  • Assertiveness Skills – Learning to use “I” statements and communicate assertively without being bossy or aggressive
  • Boundaries – Understanding the importance of setting your own boundaries and not crossing the boundaries of others
  • Bully Proofing/Friendship “Drama” – Understanding social dynamics
  • Choosing Optimism vs. Pessimism – Looking for the “silver lining” and the bright side
  • Self-Regulation – Recognizing how one’s body escalates and creating strategies for what to do at each stage
  • Gratitude – Receiving and giving compliments + the “feel good effects” of performing acts of kindness

**Please note that should you decide to withdraw from this group, you will need to notify us by email ( at least one week prior to the start of the group in order to receive a full refund. Should you decide to withdraw with less than one week’s notice, we will be unable to issue a refund**




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