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96% of Kids Lie! Why? Here’s My Free Report on Why & What To Do

kids lieWhy Do Kids Lie?

Did you always have the belief that reading the story The Little Boy Who Cried Wolf would help your child be honest?  Surprisingly, this is not true!  96% of kids lie which  means we need to understand the reasons and know the most effective ways of decreasing this very high percentage.  Children who lie often become teenagers who lie and then they become sneaky.  Although it may be hard for us to hear the truth, wouldn’t you rather know the truth than have your child be lying to you and engaging in high-risk behaviours without you having any idea where they are?  Fortunately, Victoria Talwar, of McGill University has conducted a lot of research on the topic of children lying to their parents.  She has discovered that, although most parents don’t think their children lie to them, they actually do.  Lying is one of the many challenges that parents face…

This week I’d like to ask you a favour.  Please take a couple of minutes to answer this one question survey, asking you to describe your biggest parenting challenge right now.

As a thank-you to you, I will send you my free report on Why Do Kids Lie and What To Do About It.  I will also be able to use your answers to guide me in providing even more valuable content for you.

Here’s the one question survey with the link to the free report.  Thank you so much, I appreciate your time and answers. If you have a friend who would benefit from knowing why kids lie and what to do about it, please forward this blog to them.




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