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How to Turn Off Negative Thoughts with Disney’s Luca!

turn off negative thoughts

An Excellent Example to Turn Off Negative Thoughts

Have you seen the Disney movie Luca (2021)?  If not, I highly recommend it…for all ages!

It’s a coming-of-age story with lots of important themes. The part of the film that I’m finding really helpful in my work with kids and teens, is its wonderful example of externalizing thoughts.

Externalizing worries is one of the best ways to  help kids and teens realize that worry or anxiety is not part of their identity.  It comes and goes and they can talk back to it!

In the movie, Luca has an inner negative voice that gives him self-doubting thoughts. 

On the other hand, his new best friend, Alberto, is very positive and encouraging. 

When he’s cheering on Luca to ride a homemade Vespa off a cliff – metaphorically symbolizing to push out of his comfort zone – he tells Luca that the negative doubting voice is Bruno. 

He teaches Luca the wonderful mantra of “Silenzio Bruno!”

Luca then uses this wonderful mantra whenever he needs to quiet his negative self-talk and give himself confidence.

For many years I’ve been helping kids and teens visualize and name their own “Bruno” but thanks to Disney, I now have a great way of helping them relate to this idea of externalizing worries through a concrete example.

I’ve heard from other parents, that they’ve adopted this mantra in their homes, and “Silenzio Bruno!” has become a fun way of talking back to the negative worry voice!

I highly recommend watching this film with your kids and teens and discussing how we all get negative self-talk but we can also talk back to it!

Especially for teens, who are trying to figure out their path and who they are, it’s important that they externalize their anxiety and not think of it as part of their identity.

Important benefits to externalizing negative thoughts:

It helps them gain perspective, and look at a situation from outside of themselves.

By calling it a name, it helps them see the thought(s) as being outside of themselves.

Not all thoughts are true, so it creates space to then question their thoughts.  

They can imagine themselves as being more powerful than their thoughts.

They can have a competition with this worry character or negative thoughts, which motivates them to be brave.

Name Your Character

If you’re looking for a family movie for the holidays, then this is a great opportunity to hang out together and have fun creating names for each family member’s negative thoughts.

If you like the idea of Bruno, then use Bruno.  Silenzio Bruno has a great rhythm to it!

And remember…   Our thoughts are just thoughts.  We don’t have to believe them.

We are not our thoughts.

We have the power to choose our thoughts.

To read more about choosing TRUST versus WORRY click here.


turn off negative thoughts

PS.  Registration is open for my January 2022 ONLINE “Brain Science” groups (Ages 7-9yrs. and 10-12yrs.). I’m also running in-person groups and have a couple of spaces left in the 7-9yrs. group.  The online groups create an opportunity for children in and outside of Vancouver to participate (as well as their parents for the parent feedback portion).  Please visit for more information and to register.


PPS.  Photo Credit and Thank You to: Caleb Wood at Unsplash

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