Are you ready to challenge yourself?
Being an educator as well as a counsellor, I am always interested in the different educational websites that are being developed. As much as I believe in limiting screen time, because it is so addictive, I also realize that technology is the way of the future and therefore it needs to be embraced. Online education is creating opportunities for children and adults to learn information, that they may not have had access to previously.
A parent recently told me about The Khan Academy and I was blown away! What started out as an extremely intelligent man, Sal Khan, born in the United States, making a few algebra videos for his cousins, has grown to over 2,100 videos and 100 self-paced exercises and assessments covering everything from arithmetic to physics, biology, finance, history and more. The website is completely free and has caught the attention of Bill Gates who calls it “a revolution”. The Bill Gates Foundation is now sponsoring it. Sal’s mission is to provide free world-class online education to the world!
Sal teaches lessons via a blackboard and moving piece of chalk – you hear his voice but you don’t see him. He has beginner level lessons, for example beginning math (4+2=), to advanced calculus. He also has a positive incentive program with badges and points for completing levels. Students can keep track of their progress.
Having trouble helping your child with his/her math or physics homework? Does your child want an extra challenge? Do you want to continue educating yourself? The Khan Academy online education is your solution.
If you have a friend or family member who might be interested in this information, please forward this e-mail to them.
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