Are you concerned about your child or teen’s anxiety? Get help with my free e-book and explainer video to discover the 8 COMMON MISTAKES TO AVOID WHEN YOUR CHILD IS ANXIOUS.

Sharon Selby’s In-Person “Brain Science” Group for Anxiety Management, Ages 7-9

Details Price Qty
Child Age 7-9show details + $525.00 CAD  

  • In-Person "Brain Science" Group for Anxiety Management, Ages 7-9
     May 20, 2025 - June 24, 2025
     3:30 pm - 4:55 pm

6  Session “Brain Science” Group to teach Anxiety Management Skills – Spring 2025

Dates: May 20th, 27th, June 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th.

Price: $525.00 CAD

Sharon’s “Brain Science” group teaches children ages 7-9 yrs and 10-12 yrs important life-skills for understanding and managing worry and anxiety. In a fun and interactive in-person group, your child will participate in activities, games, and stories to learn about brain science, cognitive behavioural therapy strategies, the ten mind tricks of worry, perfectionism, relaxation, breathing tools and mindfulness. This group will run for six sessions, and all six sessions will take place in-person. The first 1 hour and 10 minutes of the session will be for your child and the last 15 minutes will be for parents to hear a summary of the session, and ask questions.

Session Topics:

• Brain Science – identifying the parts of the brain and their functions in an anxious state vs. a calm and focused state

• Relaxation and Breathing Training – self-regulation and visualizations

• Emotions – what they are, how we feel them, where we feel them, and how to recognize when they’re activated

• Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (C.B.T) – understanding the relationship between thoughts, emotions, and actions; recognizing irrational vs. rational thoughts; developing positive self-talk; etc.

• Mindfulness – how to be in the present using all five senses

• Perfectionism, Overcoming Fears, and Developing Coping Strategies

Refund policy:

**Please note that should you decide to withdraw from this group, you will need to notify us by email ( at least one week prior to the start of the group in order to receive a full refund. Should you decide to withdraw with less than one week’s notice, we will be unable to issue a refund**


2062 Esquimalt Ave, West Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, V7V 1S4

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